- Logo/Branding
As cyberattacks become more common, Syre is a cybersecurity firm founded by ex- hackers. Syre assists its consumers in thwarting these dangers and staying secure in an efficient and simple manner. Syre is derived from the Albanian word “sy / syre,” which means “eye.”Many options were considered for this project’s logo, but it was evident that producing something with a ” Eye” would be the best conceivable answer. When designing the logo, it was also necessary to produce something meaningful, strong, and representative of their ideals.The symbol is made up of the letter ” S” and the “Eye “. The eye denotes security and the knowledge that you are constantly being watched and protected by someone, in this instance Syre.Not only does the symbol represent them, but it also identifies them and creates a strong identity for the company, with a very strong and bold branding that it’s all about reflecting innovation, technology, with a sense of mystery and